Advanced Power Quality and Disturbance Monitor
The UP-2210 Power Quality Monitor is an IED (Intelligent Electronic Device) designed for permanent installation in 50/60 Hz power distribution and transmission systems. It can be installed in any configuration: wye, delta or variants.
All UP-2210 meters measure PQ according to IEC 61000-4-30 class A.
The UP-2210 is also an electricity meter complying to IEC 62053-22.
The meter has 4 voltages and 4 current inputs that can be connected directly or via PT or CT circuits. Transients are measured via separate high-speed transient capture channels.
The heart of the UP-2210 is a 32-bit digital signal processing (DSP) processor enabling all channels to be simultaneously monitored.
• Power Quality Monitoring
• IEC 61000-4-30 Class A
• Standard sampling rate: 5 000 s/c
• High speed transient capture: 31 000 s/c
• Disturbance tracking
• Temperature Monitoring
• Smart Grid / IED
• Advanced real-time capabilities
• Demand monitoring
• Statistics and trends
• Automatic reports
• IEC 61850
• Preventive alarms and warnings
• 30+ years of experience
Over 3 000 parameters stored. Some examples:
• Voltage, current power, frequency (instantaneous, average, min, max)
• Individual harmonics, inter-harmonics, sub-harmonics, signalling, THD, TDD, odd, even, TID (average, 3-sec max, amplitude, phase)
• Unbalance (positive, negative, zero, amplitude, phase)
• Power and energy (active, reactive, apparent), power factor, DPF
• Flicker (instantaneous, PST, PLT)
• Events (sags, swells, earth faults, interruptions, unbalance Usum/Isum,)
• Waveform capture for events
• High speed transient capture
• Slowscan capture (10 or 100 readings per second)
• Statistical values (min, max, 99%, 95%, 5% and 1%)
High performance
The UP-2210 complies with IEC 61000-4-30 class A for Power Quality Measurements.
All channels are sampled simultaneously at 5000 samples/cycle, which provides accurate and reliable data. The sampling is synchronised using a PLL (phase-locked loop) and each sample is time tagged making advanced applications possible like PMU (Phasor Measurement Unit).
The meters can also be equipped with Harmonic Bandwidth Extension (HBE) to compensate for transformer losses for accurate measurements.
The UP-2210 performs an extensive self-test when starting and regularly when in operation. A watchdog continuously monitors operation so that nothing goes wrong. There is a running status digital output that can be connected to other systems (like SCADA) as a health check signal.
Transient recording
During a high-speed transient the voltage and current waveforms are captured on all channels simultaneously by a separate mechanism at 31.000 samples per cycle. The waveforms of all channels are stored with a user settable pre- and post-trig times to ensure no valuable data of the event is lost.
Real-time functions show waveforms, oscilloscope, trend information, vector diagrams and more simultaneously without interrupting the ongoing measurements.
Unique automatic historical trend graph that shows all important values 24 hours back in time in real-time mode. This can also be shown in the optional substation display unit.Other functions include online monitoring of voltage, current, frequency, power, instantaneous flicker, harmonics up to 100th and inter-harmonics. It is also possible for the user to customize a personal view with gauges, trend graphs and counters.
High level of automation
The fundament in PQ Secure is automation. All tasks are fully automated and you will not have to search for the information – the information comes to you. An important interface is the email system, PQ reports and alarms are automatically compiled and sent to selected receivers using emails.
Data download from the meters is done completely automatically with administration functions to maintain and monitor the process.
Data exchange (open format)
The PQ Secure system has several ways of importing data automatically from other systems. Protocols supported includes PQDIF, COMTRADE, text, Excel and more.
It is also possible to export data from PQ Secure using similar protocols. The open MS SQL architecture allows for easy third party connection to the database for a variety of applications.
PQ Control module (instant control)
With PQ Control your Power Quality Management System becomes a natural part in your Smart Grid. It can take actions based on alarms and trig levels you set on different Power Quality parameters. For example, you can switch on or off a filter bank based on THD or individual harmonics values. PQ Control use digital outputs of the meter to operate external breakers or to send signals to other control systems (SCADA).
You can use a variety of parameters like harmonics, flicker, unbalance or voltage levels etc. It is also possible to use statistical triggers like 95%.
Smart Grid and integration
The UP-2210 family of meters are IEDs designed for modern Smart Grid Solutions. A number of protocols are supported including Modbus and IEC 61850. The PQ Secure system is based on standard, open solutions like Microsoft SQL Server, which allow easy integration to other systems like SCADA systems.
Voltage dips(sags) and swells
UP-2210 capture voltage and current on all channels simultaneously in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A in the event of a voltage dip/swell.
The instrument also automatically registers the disturbance direction. The recording is captured from seconds to minutes with user settable pre- and post-trig time.
Voltage channels
Voltage channels: 4 isolated inputs + reference.
Channel input level: UP-2210: 500 V RMS, UP-2210R/P: 150 V RMS Optional ranges up to 1000V available. 300 V CAT IV, 600 V CAT III.
Resolution: 24 bits.
Basic sampling rate: 5 000 samples/cycle @50Hz.
Input impedance: 4 Mohm.
Bandwidth: 40 kHz (analogue anti-aliasing filters).
Accuracy: 0,1%.
For maximum accuracy, automatic synchronisation to the power frequency is ensured by a phase-locked loop (PLL).
High speed voltage channels
Range: ± 2,8 kV peak level.
Transient detection: Fast transients up to 31 000 p/c @50Hz.
Bandwidth: 3,1 MHz.
Filters: Analogue anti-aliasing filters.
Current inputs
Current channels: 4 isolated inputs.
Channel input level: 0-6 A RMS (other ranges available).
Resolution: 24 bits.
Basic sampling rate: 5 000 samples/cycle @50Hz.
Input impedance: <2 mohm.
Bandwidth: 40 kHz (analogue anti-aliasing filters).
Accuracy: 0,1%.
Transducers: Available.
Digital inputs/outputs
16 opto-isolated digital inputs (0-250 VDC). 4 solid state relays, including Running Status relay (0-250 VAC, 10/5A resistive/inductive) and S0 interface. PQ Control module.
Time synchronisation
IRIG-B, NMEA, PPS supported. NTP, SNTP, server protocol or external GPS module available.
Selected calculated parameters
Power quantities: All 3-phase configurations. Active power [kW], Reactive power [kVAr], Apparent power [kVA], Power Factor and cos phi displacement factor, Active Energy [kWh], Reactive energy [kVArh], Apparent energy [kVAh] Energy accuracy class 0.2S (IEC 62053-22).
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz according to IEC 61000-4-30 Class A.
Harmonics: 100 individual harmonics of voltage and current in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A (IEC 61000-4-7 Class I). THD factors (THD-R, THD-F, TDD, THD-I etc), K-factor, 3sec max.
Power harmonics: PFFT. Harmonic power with direction.
Interharmonics: In accordance with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A.
Flicker: IFL, Pst, Plt calculated in accordance with Class F1; IEC 61000-4-30 Class A.
Voltage/Current unbalance: IEC 61000-4-30 Class A. Amplitude and phase angle information.
Signalling voltage: In accordance with EN 50160 and IEC 61000-4-30 Class A.
RVC: Rapid voltage changes in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A.
Current leakage/Voltage sum: Isum and Usum parameters for earth fault detection..
Event recording: Slowscan (up to 5 min), sags/swells, interruptions, transients.
Triggers: Waveform compare, rms level, peak level, rate of change etc.
Memory capacity
32 MB – 8 GB built-in flash memory for measure data. All units have a unique data compression mechanism. A unit with standard memory will be able to measure for at least 100 days with normal configuration. 2 GB of memory equals 17 years of internal meter storage.
Built-in RS-232 (UP-2210 only) and USB. Optional fast ethernet and RS-485. UP-2210R/P has 2 independent fast ethernet ports. Support for external modems, radio devices, GSM/GPRS-modems. The meter can interface with other systems using Modbus, PQDif (IEEE 1159.3), IEC 61850 or SmartCom.
UP-2210 has an optional, external display for panel mounting.
UP-2210R/P has a built-in, 3,5” colour touch screen.
All models support Unipower substation display solution and RDF.
Analogue inputs
6 optional analogue inputs for voltage, current or Sense (UP-2210R/P).
Standards compliance
Voltage Quality: EN 50160, IEC 61000-2-2, IEC 61000-2-12, EIFS, NRS 048 and local grid codes.
Power Quality: IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, IEC 62586-2, IEC 61000-4-7 Class I, IEC 61000-4-15.
Energy: IEC 62053-22 class 0.2S, IEC 62053-23
Instrument type: IEC 62586-1: PQI-A-FI1-H.
General data
Size W x H x D:
• UP-2210: 215x310x70 mm.
• UP-2210R: 430x88x220 mm.
• UP-2210P: 430x128x220 mm.
Operational temperature: -10 ºC to +55 ºC (extended range optional)
Humidity: 10% - 98% non-condensing.
Weight: UP-2210: 1.4 kg. UP-2210R/P: 2,2 kg.
Climate, Environment: IEC 62586-1.
Safety: IEC 62586-1, IEC 61 010-1.
EMC: EC 62586-1, IEC 61000-6-5, IEC 61000-6-4 and IEC 61000-6-2.
CE-marked according to EC/EEA directives.
Calibration and self-test
The calibration of UP-2210 is software-based. To assure maximum reliability the UP-2210 always performs an automatic self-test (AST) before measuring.
Power supply
Standard: 85-264 V AC or 95-365 V DC. 150 V CAT IV 300V CAT III. (5W)
Optional: 18-75 V DC supply. Optional battery UPS (1,5 hour) available.
Power supply is user replaceable on site.
All versions of the UP-2210 meters comes equipped with automatic download capabilities and can be included in alarms and reports. All models may also be connected to a substation GPS for highly accurate time stamping of voltage events, like dips and swells. Designed in robust aluminum frame.
Model III, Class A
Our most advanced wall mounted model with all features available, designed for mounting on cabinet doors. Equipped with transient capture, slow scan recording feature, Unipower PQ Control feature and running status outputs. On the front are LEDs indicating operation status.
Model R, Class A
Our most advanced rack mounted model with all features available (like model III) and designed for installation in a 19” rack. The meter has a colour touch screen on the front for displaying real time data and other information.
Model P, Class A
Same functions and connectors as UP-2210R but intended for panel mounting. The P model allows for class IP51 installations.
Model II, Class A
Norm EN50160 reference instrumentin wall mount edition. Equipped with modules to measure all parameters in accordance with the EN 50160 standard (like harmonics, flicker, unbalance, signalling voltage, sags/swells (RMS) etc). Additionally measuring inter-harmonics, power harmonics. High compression data storage allowinf 100 days of EN 50160 operation.
Model I, Class S
This meter class is primary used for statistical applications such as surveys or Power Quality assessment, possibly with a limited subset of parameters. The model measure voltage, current, power and energy.
Model U, Class A
Designed mainly for contractual verifications of grid codes, which normally are based on voltage parameters. The meter handles voltage parameters such as flicker, unbalance and harmonics.
Earth fault recording
The UP-2210 family of instruments are all capable of identifying earth fault both before and as they are appearing. The earth fault module reacts to deviations in voltage or current unbalance. An event is created, and a waveform capture is made. With this module earth faults can be traced, and costly problems prevented before they occur.
Fault recorder
The UP-2210 can also be equipped with a fault recorder module, which activates the unit’s digital inputs for supervision of the status of circuit breakers, relays and other external equipment. Whenever there is a disturbance in the electrical grid the unit records voltage and current deviations, together with information about the connected external equipment.
Digital outputs
The digital outputs can be used to synchronise other meters (or UP-2210) to record at an event. A typical application is interface to SCADA or other control systems.
Analogue inputs
The basic model of UP-2210 has 4 voltage plus 4 voltage transient inputs. The bandwidth of each input is adapted to the appropriate application. When measuring harmonics a lower bandwidth is needed than when capturing transients. This is performed automatically in the instrument. The UP-2210 also has 4 current input channels. In low voltage networks the fourth current channel can be used to measure the neutral current.
Energy metering
The UP-2210 is also suitable for energy metering applications and complies with energy accuracy class 0.2S. Additionally an S0-interface/ pulse output is available.
Slowscan module
Unipowers unique slow scan feature allows capturing of Power Quality events with a recording time of up to several minutes and a rms rate of 10-100 times/second. This feature excels at capturing slow events in the grid.
Statistical PQ analysis
Unipower uses an advanced data compression algorithm which not only assure a reliable collection of data from each PQ meter but also keeps the data growth of SQL data base to a minimum. The result is a superior response time when performing statistical or trend evaluation from multiple meters with many years of recording.
Proven service life
A permanent installed meter is designed for a service life of minimum 15 years in continuous operation.
Substation display
The Unipower substation display is the most high-resolution scalable display on the market. One display easily connects all substation meters to one single display for on-site real-time evaluation.
PQ troubleshooting
Efficient troubleshooting is supported by automatic identification of downstream / upstream source of disturbance from the measurement site. The possibility to import other nearby measurement sites, as well as temporarily portable measurements, into the same analysis window enables presentation of the disturbance propagation and supports source identification.
Time sync
All meters are automatically time synchronised upon data download. If higher accuracy on time stamps are required it’s possible to time sync over NTP, GPS or Irig-B. Clock sync can also be achieved with the meter’s NMEA support.
Temperature recording
All meters can be equipped with interface for temperature logging, Pt100. With this interface you can continuosly log i.e. transformer temperature and correlate with PQ parameters and load situation.
UP-2210 connection diagram, 3CT+3PT.
UP-2210 connected to 3CT and 3PT.
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