Power Quality Management System
The quality of your power is extremely important as disturbances or short outages can cause major problems for your equipment and systems. We have created a Power Quality Management System that will assist you in monitoring your system performance.
The Unipower PQ Secure system is a state of the art solution for Power Quality Management and disturbance evaluation. With a user-friendly interface and intelligible functions, PQ Secure provides you with continuous remote access to all the Power Quality parameters that you need. PQ Secure is a market-leading system specifi cally designed for the power and energy industry, distribution, transmission and troubleshooting companies. The software is comprehensible and easy to use, being built around high-performance and automation as basic principles.
PQ Secure is fully compliant, supporting the following international standards: PQDIF, IEEE 1159-3 and COMTRADE.
The PQ Secure system is a complete Power Quality Management System. The system is modular and allows adding features both on the server side as well as on the meters. PQ Secure is designed to excel at data compression and storage, making it very fast and scalable. The system revolves around the following components:
• Powerful evaluation tools
• Accurate statistical components
• Sortable and customisable event lists
• Data-efficient database storage solution
• Control room compatible real-time functions and much more
PQ Secure - System profile view.
• Power Quality Monitoring
• IEC 61000-4-30 Class A
• Disturbance tracking
• Big Data
• Advanced real-time capabilities
• Load Demand Monitoring
• Statistics and report module
• Automatic reports
• Preventive alarms and warnings
Adjustable to serve your needs
PQ Secure is adjustable to serve your needs – from 5 meters to 50,000 meters – you choose the number. PQ Secure is scalable which means it suits all types of systems – from small-scale systems that have only a few power measuring devices to large systems with thousands of Power Quality meters and smart meters. Depending on the number of connected power measuring devices you have, you will be able to choose the most effective and suitable version for you, from small-scale to Enterprise XL.
Unlimited number of users
Every PQ Secure installation allows for unlimited users. These users can be configured by a system administrator who creates groups and sets permissions. Regardless of the number of users allowed, the system is as easy to run for one user as it is for hundreds of users.
All the information you need – in one database
PQ Secure collects and manages data gathered from the Power Quality meters using a single, integrated database. Whether your power measuring devices are permanent, portable or provided by another company, PQ Secure will easily collect and transfer the data to the central database. Moreover, you don’t have to wait for a collection of data that is spread out in a distributed solution. When you need fast answers, especially after an event occurs, data is easily accessibile and you don’t need to wait for it to be recalculated.
Think big using Big Data
Modern systems require modern thinking. Today’s power grids are often large and complex, handled by different control systems. As the system grows it is of key importance to have efficient software and architecture in place to handle the generated data. Some may remove historical data to ease the burden on the systems but this also removes the possibility to determine trends, track developments and create statistics based on historical data. The PQ Secure System is built using efficient storage algorithms and has the infrastructure for large data analysis.
One system connects all PQ meters
PQ Secure is designed to easily combine information received from both permanent and portable PQ meters and store it in the same Power Quality System. All Unipower PQ meters are confi gured using a singular system – PQ Online – and all data is downloaded and evaluated using one platform – PQ Secure. Having all information (from portable and permanent meters) stored in the same place and using the same format will enable accurate measurements and readily reports. You will also be able to see, in the same window, the historical portable measurements as well as comparisons with permanent sites.
Efficient troubleshooting
You can make sure you will have access to quick and efficient troubleshooting, supported by the automatic identification of downstream/upstream sources of disturbance from the measurement site. You also have the possibility to import other nearby measurement sites, as well as temporarily portable measurements. All this information will be collated in the same analysis window enabling you to have a clear overview of the disturbance propagation and source identification.
• Instantaneous
• Instantaneous
• Rapid changes
• Voltage
• Current
Power and energy
• Active, reactive, apparent power and energy
• Individual harmonics
• Harmonic phase angles
• Interharmonics
• Power harmonics
Voltage dips
• View in accordance with local norm
• Easy to categorise and organise
• RMS and Waveform recording
• High resolution triggering
• Waveform recording
Fault recorder module
• RMS Recording
• Waveform recording
Long recording slowscan module
• Up to 5 minutes of recording
• All channels simultaneously
Statistical values
• Normative 99, 95, 5 and 1% values
Over 3,000 parameters stored
Integrated with SCADA
The PQ meters in the PQ Secure system can easily be connected to other substation equipment. Our permanent recorders can be equipped with both digital inputs and digital outputs. For example, these may be used to connect to breakers or relays in order to create RMS/waveform recordings on the voltage and current when external equipment trips. Another functionality would be to control external equipment on Power Quality events with the PQ Control option. Having a fully integrated system you can easily communicate the following to the SCADA system: alarms of disturbances, statistical data as well as running status. The PQ meters use various communication protocols, for instance TCP/IP and IEC 61850.
Profile view – evaluate multiple PQ meters simultaneously
The profile view is a very powerful tool to efficiently monitor multiple meters. All disturbance information, including the limits set, is displayed in a dashboard-like window for the selected period and meters. All the parameters that are close to or exceeding the limits are color coded for quick identification. From this window, you can easily access the analysis tool for a thorough investigation of the issue. As a system grows, smart evaluation methods are required in order to reduce the workload. With the Profile view feature you can analyse a large number of meters in minutes.
Automatic tracking of disturbances
When working with disturbances in your grid you want to know about them as soon as they happen. All Unipower meters automatically declare the direction of the sags in your network. Having a well-planned installation, you’re able to pinpoint disturbances to a specific load or grid section.
Evaluate and confirm disturbances
Keeping track of disturbances in the grid is at the top of the priority list for power generation, distribution and transmission companies. PQ Secure gives you all the tools you need to sort and log events in the electrical network.
Automatic reports
Unipower provides you with the possibility to create customisable reports that match your specific requirements and national requirements. Design your own reports directly from PQ Secure or simply select one of the ready-made, normative, local or special reports you wish to generate. You can also schedule specific reports to be automatically and periodically generated. Using PQ Secure, choose the number of recipients for these reports – whether you want them to be distributed to all users, to some of them or to a single person. In case of alarms and deviations, you can create a pre-defined selected users list for distribution and these reports will be generated automatically in such unexpected events.
Set your own limits on each PQ parameter For example, if you set the 95% value for harmonics, when this value is exceeded you will automatically receive a notification with the information about the event.
Identify earth faults in the earliest stages
A common use in the electric power industry is to identify and quickly resolve earth faults. With the PQ Secure system, you can automatically identify and receive earth faults alarms before they develop into full earth faults, causing interruptions. Thanks to Unipower’s smart callback feature, alarms are sent within minutes.
Monitor your operations in real-time
Real-time monitoring enables the user to connect directly to a PQ meter and monitor selected parameters without delay. The user can easily configure the real-time monitoring window by selecting different types of tables, graphs or traditional analog displays. Maximum and minimum values are kept from when entering real-time monitoring to ensure the user does not miss important data.
24/7 monitoring – alarm or instant callback to key receivers
To ensure that you’re always informed of any issues that may appear, PQ Secure has the option to set up an alarm that will notify the selected users in case of an unwanted event. The alarm will inform the user of the following: which PQ meter recorded the disturbance, what type of disturbance was registered, the level of disturbance as well as the origin of the disturbance. This feature enables the user to take action immediately, limit the impact of the event but also to take measures to verify and increase the immunity of the system.
With Callback activated, the PQ meter will send directly the alarm without waiting for the scheduled upload to report the disturbance.
• Fully scaled Windows 64bit application
• Integrated MS SQL Database solution
• Trending with more than 15 years of historical data
• Fast plotting (1-year data of all U and I in less than 10 seconds)
• Database capacity >1000 meters
• Effective system >1000 meters with full system functionality (automatic alarms, download etc.)
• Multiple meter time plots in the same graph
• Support import of 3rd part system & meters
• Voltage graph marked with trig occurrences
• Automatic as well as manual flagging/hiding of events and statistical data
• Possibility to manually add comments for single events and/or periods of events or statistical data
• Plotting parameters or reports for one or more years from the online database
• Includes manual and automatic export functions to PQDif, text, UPM, BAK, Comtrade, Excel and Word
• Functionality to include manual and automatic import functions via UPM, PQDif
• Functionality to plot disturbances with CBEMA, ITIC, EIFS, EN 50160, SEMI-F47 limit graphs and more
• System support for manual download of measure fi les (i.e. portable units) and seamless integration with database data in graphs, reports, event lists
• Login to database secured by Windows Authentication, SQL Server login authentication
• Digitally signed software
“PQ Secure provides you with continuous remote access to all the Power Quality parameters that you need.”
PQ Secure is an advanced tool that continuously scans and compiles information about your power network.
Monitors the Power Quality and reports back to you so that you can be aware of any events, anytime. Logs all critical parameters and provides you with a complete picture of the status in the power network.
PQ Secure - Tag your meters using attributes for fast and correct selection.
“Identify opportunities, verify savings”
PQ Secure is designed to easily combine information received from both permanent and portable PQ meters and store it in the same Power Quality System.
All Unipower PQ meters are configured using a singular system – PQ Online – and all data is downloaded and evaluated using one platform – PQ Secure.
Automatic tracking of disturbances
Determine trends and create statistics – using data gathered over more than 20 years
PQ Secure - Example of real-time view.
“Maximise electrical network reliability and availability.”
Real-time monitoring enables the user to connect directly to a PQ meter and monitor selected parameters without delay.
PQ Secure - Map and Event Viewer.
“Increase energy efficiency and cost savings.”
Unipower provides you with the possibility to create customisable reports that match your specific requirements and national requirements.
Design your own reports directly from PQ Secure or simply select one of the ready-made, normative, local or special reports you wish to generate.
You can also schedule specific reports to be automatically and periodically generated.
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